The Erasmus+ programme
The aim of Erasmus+ is to contribute to the Europe strategy for growth, jobs, social equity and inclusion, as well as the aims of the EU’s strategic framework for education and training on the school, higher education, vocational education and training, adults and youth sectors.
Erasmus+ aims to promote the sustainable development of its partners in the field of higher education, and contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Youth Strategy. Specific issues tackled by the programme include:
To strengthen the employability of youth thanks to training methods that could promote esports and video games as learning tools
To contribute to the digital transformation of the youth and employment on the third sector
To include new digital tools and more attractive and interactive methods when guiding young people to find a job or their vocation
To generate self-assessment tools that could allow youth to identify their strengths, how to take advantage from them and understand their suitability for concrete job positions
To involve youth workers and young people into face to face and online environments that could facilitate their peer learning, exchange of experiences, personal interaction, etc.
Inside this programme, its Key Action 2 under which Game YOU! was funded, is dedicated to fund cooperation opportunities towards the creation of outputs, synergies opportunities and establish new networks. This action is though to “allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities, and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas”. Watch the video to learn more!
You can also access to the programme guide and all its opportunities cilcking here.
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