About Game YOU!
Game YOU! is a European-wide cooperation project funded under the Erasmus+ programme of the EU Commission between partners from a wide range of sectors and from four different countries. The partnership is created with the aim of contributing to youth employment through E-games and e-sports, as well as training professionals within these sectors.
Taking advantage of the success of video games among young people, it aims to create a series of innovative resources to enable young people to better orient themselves towards their professional and employment future while supporting educators and professionals working with this group.Today’s young people live in a context where there are thousands of stimuli, diverse opportunities and possible paths. It is quite understandable that many young people feel lost about their professional future – we all need guidance and advice from people who have been down that road before!
Therefore, the main objective of the project is that the materials to created serve as a guide for the identification of professional skills and help young people to understand what kind of competences are needed in different fields of work. This is possible thanks to a handbook for professionals, workshops based on non-formal education towards employability and an interactive tool for young people that allow them to identify their potential in the world of employment and how to improve it thanks to video games. This will create a synergy between the ludic, didactic and pedagogic characteristics of video games and, at the same time, will refute the existing accusation that video games are a “waste of time”.
Project calendar general objectives
Increase the participation of young people in employment programs.
To promote employment opportunities for young people, especially for groups at risk of exclusion.
To get young people to use the project materials to recognise their strengths and skills in relation to different job opportunities.
To offer tools that enable young people to make a self-assessment of their skills in a comfortable environment.
To reduce the gap between the types of skills promoted by the formal education system and those demanded by the labour market.
Promote the recognition of video games as a professional alternative and encourage, in the long term, the implementation of training and education programmes that this sector could demand thanks to the training of professionals in this sector.
Project calendar
Transnational online coordination meetings (January and February 2022).
Initial research and conceptualisation on E-gaming as a tool for employment guidance (March to June 2022).
Development of the first material – A handbook on youth employment guidance through video games for educators (March to October 2022).
Second transnational face-to-face meeting in Spain (October 2022)
Planning and development of the second material: a gamified self-assessment platform on employment guidance for young people (March 2022 to January 2023).
Translation and adaptation of the project outputs to each national language and graphic design (January 2023 to September 2023).
First transnational training course in Slovenia and fine tuning of the outputs (October 2023 to January 2024)
Third transnational meeting in Italy (February 2024)
Testing, revision and improvement of the materials created (February and May 2024).
Transnational online event for the exchange of views and practices among potential users of the materials (May 2024).
Last transnational meeting in Portugal (June 2024)
Project dissemination events in partner countries (June 2024).
Project review and finalisation (June 2024).F
The European Commission’s support for this project and production of its publications does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.